Tribute Funds
With a Tribute Fund, your family and friends can make donations via a webpage to a charitable fund in honor of or in memory of someone special. Tribute Funds enable you to:
- Celebrate milestones like a birthday, wedding, anniversary, and bar or bat mitzvah
- Recognize a leadership accomplishment or retirement
- Remember and honor loved ones upon their passing
Read the Tribute Fund Brochure.
Current Tribute Fund webpages:
- Dr. Steven Dresner Memorial Fund
- Eshman Family Fund
- Aviva Schotland Memorial Fund
- Tony Conte Memorial Fund
- Gordon A. Spielberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Brian Schlessinger Memorial Fund
- Nico Linesch Legacy Fund
- Donald Etra Futures Fund
- Karfunkel Safran Family Fund
- The Isaac Jonah Katz Bar Mitzvah Tzedakah Fund
- Team Carrie – Carrie Strong Fund
- Norman Mattisinko Memorial Fund
- Brett R. Gottlieb Memorial Fund
- The Ryan Koeppel Foundation
- Bradley Sonnenberg Legacy Fund
- Yad Alliance Giving Circle
- The Scott Lieberman Camp Scholarship Foundation
- Sater Family Memorial Fund
- The Mark Tatsuya Landisman Memorial Fund
- TMC Memorial Fund
- William Schlessinger Memorial Fund
- The Johnathan Irving Kelly Memorial Fund
- Ivy Liebross Memorial Fund
To create a Tribute Fund, you can open a new Donor Advised Fund or Endowment Fund, or you can use your existing funds. Anyone can contribute to the tribute fund using a credit card. To contribute to the fund using a check/ACH, please make the check out to Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles. Then, in the memo line, write the name of the tribute fund. Mail the check to the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles.
Donor Advised Funds allow you to centralize your charitable dollars in one convenient account. This user-friendly fund provides maximum tax advantages and flexibility in grant making along with secure, 24/7 online access to your fund.
- Start with $5,000 or more
- Recommend grants of $100 or more anytime, Jewish organizations or otherwise, locally, nationally, or in Israel
- Create a legacy for your family without the burdens of a private foundation
Read the Donor Advised Fund Brochure.
An Endowment Fund is a charitable fund that will be invested for generations to come. Each year, a percentage of the assets will be distributed to your chosen charities or causes.
You sign a simple agreement to:
- Name your endowment
- Select one or more grantees to support; an eligible nonprofit, field of interest, or
The Foundation's Legacy Grants; locally, nationally, or in Israel; Jewish or nonsectarian - Opt to donate now, later, or as a bequest
Read the Endowment Fund Brochure.
Whether you are looking to honor a loved one's memory, or create a charitable family legacy, a Tribute Fund may be for you.
Read the Tribute Fund Brochure.