The Gindi Family: A model for intergenerational philanthropy

Jack, z'l, and Rachel Gindi
Whether you’re an individual, a couple, or a multigenerational family considering your philanthropic options, the Center for Designed Philanthropy can help you make the most of your charitable giving. Here is one family’s story.
When it comes to philanthropy, we encourage our children to be independent. We hope that rather than just faithfully executing our wishes, they’ll make their own philanthropic decisions. The Center for Designed Philanthropy has been instrumental in helping our children take on their philanthropic responsibility by showing them how to work together effectively. We earmarked funds for a charitable project to be conceived, created and agreed upon by our four children and their spouses. The Center helped them join together, despite their different styles and philanthropic interests, to launch a new counseling program for at-risk youth in several Orthodox Jewish high schools. The impact has been so great that the pilot high schools as well as additional schools have recognized the problem and are now assuming responsibility for the program’s ongoing support. Our children have developed a wonderful sense of satisfaction from working together for a worthwhile charitable cause.
Jack, z’l, and Rachel Gindi