Reimagining Hybrid Museum of Tolerance Field Trip Experience

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Program Name:
Reimagining Hybrid Museum of Tolerance Field Trip Experience
Grant Type:
Reimagine Grants
Grant Website
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Founded in 1993, the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance (MOT) is a human rights laboratory and educational center dedicated to challenging visitors to understand the Holocaust in both historic and contemporary contexts and confronting antisemitism and all forms of discrimination. Through interactive exhibits, live speakers, and dynamic public programming, it has served over seven million people, including 130,000 children per year in school field trips.


To launch a hybrid field trip experience that allows teachers and students to access virtual live tours of the museum, learn about the Holocaust, and develop skills to combat antisemitism and other forms of discrimination and hate. The program aims to provide LA schools (Jewish and non-Jewish) with custom support and resources for accessing information about the Holocaust and contemporary antisemitism in order to create a more just and inclusive generation

This vital grant from the Jewish Community Foundation crucially enables the Museum of Tolerance to provide both Jewish and public schools in Los Angeles with custom support and resources for accessing profound learning about the Holocaust and the scourge of contemporary anti-Semitism, in the context of problems of discrimination in our world today. The Museum of Tolerance has always accomplished this through storytelling and experiential activities. This will continue, thanks to The Foundation, via in-person and virtual modalities that best serve schools, and respond to their needs at this time.

Liebe Geft
Director, Museum of Tolerance