
- Amount:
- $250,000
- Year:
- 2019
- Field of Interest:
- Program Name:
- Grant Type:
- Next Stage
- Grant Website
- Visit their site >
Launched by a Cutting Edge Grant in 2015, Jewish Los Angeles Special Needs Trust & Services (JLA Trust) provides pooled special needs trust and benefits counseling services for children and adults with physical, mental, developmental, or intellectual disabilities in the greater Los Angeles region. The pooled special needs trust offers a community-based financial planning tool for persons with disabilities that protects their essential government benefits while allowing them to receive or inherit funds from family to support or enhance their lives. JLA Trust also provides fee-for-service financial and benefits planning guidance to hundreds of families with relatives with disabilities.
To increase its capacity to recruit and enroll clients and become self-sustaining, by hiring a full-time Marketing and Communications Coordinator, creating and implementing a comprehensive marketing and recruitment plan, building its referral network, and redesigning its website.