Refresh, Reconnect, and Recharge

Field of Interest:
Program Name:
Refresh, Reconnect, and Recharge
Grant Type:
Reimagine Grants
Grant Website
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Established in 2014, IKAR is a non-denominational spiritual community located in Mid-City. IKAR’s mission is to reanimate Jewish life and to reengage text and tradition. It operates an early childhood center and a religious school.


To support professional development, leadership development, and staff wellness strategies responding to the impacts of COVID-19 on synagogue clergy, staff, and lay leadership

We see equity and equality, justice, human dignity and love as the business of the faith community. We believe that religious leadership must be moral leadership, that our deepest convictions must manifest as lives of courageous commitment. We see our Jewish tradition as a source of inspiration, challenge and meaning, and we’re doing the work of holy excavation to reconnect to its sacred roots. We are responding to the challenges of our day with the spiritual tools of love, faith and holy hutzpah. With gratitude to The Foundation for supporting our work by funding our staff professional development and wellness.

Rabbi Sharon Brous
Senior Rabbi and Co-Founder