


Established in 1997, Tzohar aims to bridge the gap between religious and secular Jews in Israel. It is dedicated to ensuring the Jewish future of Israel and to enriching Israeli culture by providing Jewish content in a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. Tzohar focuses its work in three areas: 1) Training moderate Zionist rabbinic leadership to reach out to secular Jews and create inclusive, pluralistic Jewish rituals and programming; 2) Facilitating meaningful Jewish ritual experiences in the areas of marriage, holidays, and prayer; and 3) Initiating public policy efforts that inform the media and public leaders about Jewish pluralism. Tzohar’s initiatives bring Jews of different backgrounds and observation levels together and make Judaism accessible for all.

grant programs

Professional Development for Community Rabbis


The Professional Development for Community Rabbis program provides professional development for Orthodox rabbis in diverse geographic regions in Israel, utilizing online and in-person courses, conferences, and trainings to bridge the secular-religious divide.

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