At The Well



Founded in 2015, At The Well’s (ATW) mission is to connect women around the world through transformative practices informed by ancient Jewish wisdom. Its programs are designed to help women learn about Jewish wellness, step into leadership, and ultimately find their space of belonging. Its flagship program, Well Circles, are independently run groups of 6-12 women who commit to meeting every month to connect, support each other, share spiritual experiences, and interpret Jewish texts as they mark the moon’s cycles.

grant programs

Bringing Women To The Well In Los Angeles


To scale and formalize a Jewish wellness program for women over 40 years of age in Los Angeles that will help them reconnect with their Jewish selves and communities, reinvigorate Jewish practice in their homes, eliminate feelings of isolation, and create new spaces of belonging for women in this demographic. ATW will partner with ChaiVillageLA, The Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills’ Sisterhood, and Temple Isaiah’s Women’s Group to reach women over 40.

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