Trybal Gatherings LA

- Amount:
- $270,000
- Year:
- 2019
- Field of Interest:
- Program Name:
- Trybal Gatherings LA
- Grant Type:
- Cutting Edge
- Grant Website
- Visit their site >
Founded in 2016, Trybal Gatherings contributes to a foundation for a strong Jewish future by reimagining immersive experiences for Jewish young adults hosted at summer camps and beyond. Trybal Gatherings serves as a bridge for Birthright Israel alumni, camp alumni, and Jewish millennials searching for connection to engage in Jewish community as adults. Trybal Gatherings’ core program, Jewish Camp for Adults, is an overnight, weekend experience that provides a socially Jewish environment for young adults to have fun, connect with new people, and plug into a dynamic Jewish community during a purposeful Shabbat retreat. Its programming touches approximately 685 young people nationally each year.
To provide immersive overnight Jewish camp experiences in Los Angeles for Jews in their 20s and 30s, reaching disconnected young adults and building a pipeline to ongoing Jewish communal involvement.