Upgrade Power/Sanctuary & Social Hall Renovation

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Upgrade Power/Sanctuary & Social Hall Renovation
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Established in 1946, Temple Beth Hillel is an inclusive Jewish community affiliated with the Reform movement, dedicated to prayer, study and social responsibility.  Located in the East Valley, it offers a range of programs including a religious school, Mommy and Me, early childhood program, camp programs, a day school and adult education classes.  It also houses the East Valley Food Pantry and the Community Counseling Center. 


The Upgrade Power project  will renovate the sanctuary and social hall and to relocate and upgrade a power line that will enable the synagogue to install a new passenger elevator.

Temple Beth Hillel of Valley Village is incredibly grateful for The Foundation’s gift to our Chai Construction Campaign – Building for the Future of Temple Beth Hillel.  This grant will help us better serve the Jewish community and greater community of the East San Fernando Valley.

Rabbi Sarah Hronsky
Spiritual Leader, Temple Beth Hillel of Valley Village