Audio/Media and Staffing

Field of Interest:
Program Name:
Audio/Media and Staffing
Grant Type:
Reimagine Grants
Grant Website
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Established in 1994, Shomrei Torah is a Conservative congregation located in West Hills. Its mission is to teach, challenge, and support its members in all aspects of Jewish life. It operates a religious school.


To support professional development, leadership development, and staff wellness strategies responding to the impacts of COVID-19 on synagogue clergy, staff, and lay leadership.

Our deep thanks to The Foundation for its wisdom in recognized the impact the Pandemic has had on Jewish professionals and staff over the past 18-months. This grant allows us to hire a social media professional to augment our communication director's work, improve our online and virtual presence, and reach the even broader Jewish community. We are also hiring additional staff to reduce the workload of our office staff who continue to go above and beyond to meet the needs of our congregants.

Sheila Goldman
Executive Director