B’nai Mitzvah Program

Field of Interest:
Program Name:
B’nai Mitzvah Program
Grant Type:
Cutting Edge
Grant Website
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Founded in 2005, Moving Traditions creates experiences that inspire Jewish teens to openly explore fundamental questions of identity and society. It helps teens reach their full potential by connecting relevant content with enduring Jewish values, and by fostering positive peer-to-peer relationships through its trained mentors. 


The B’nai Mitzvah Program is a program for hundreds of 6th and 7th graders and their parents that explores what it means to come of age as a Jewish adult and serves to encourage continued Jewish education and involvement post b'nai mitzvah. 

Thanks to the generous support of the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, Moving Traditions will use our highly-regarded approach to Jewish teen engagement to help Los Angeles-area tweens explore what it means to become a young Jewish adult. Through our excellent training and curricular development, rabbis, cantors, and educators will mentor tweens, engage parents, and reverse post-b’nai mitzvah dropout trends.

Deborah Meyer
Founder and CEO