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General Community
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Founded in 1989, Heart of Los Angeles Youth Inc. (HOLA) provides underserved youth with afterschool programs in academics, arts, and athletics with a nurturing environment, empowering them to develop their potential, pursue their education, and strengthen their communities. It serves 2,100 youth ages 6-24 each year in the Rampart District through its academic programs, enrichment programs (e.g. athletics, music and youth orchestras, leadership, etc.), and a Family Services Department that provides wraparound support, counseling services and emergency aid.


To support an expansion of academic and social services for youth at its newly completed Arts and Recreation Center in Lafayette Park that has the space to nearly double the number of youth and families it serves each year.

Heart of Los Angeles is so grateful to the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles for enabling us to offer youth academic support services, enrichment classes, and holistic support for students' families. Despite the challenges raised by the pandemic, HOLA is committed to ensuring equitable recovery for Los Angeles youth so that our students can come back even stronger in the coming months. Through this grant, HOLA aims to expand its in-depth, academic and whole child supports which are needed now more than ever to reach even more youth in our community.

Tony Brown