Creative Community For Peace

- Amount:
- $250,000
- Year:
- 2013
- Field of Interest:
- Program Name:
- Creative Community For Peace
- Grant Type:
- Cutting Edge
- Grant Website
- Visit their site >
Founded in 2011, Creative Community For Peace mobilizes Hollywood music executives and pop artists to counter the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (also known as the BDS movement) against Israel and to promote a positive image of the country by partnering with high profile Hollywood executives in one-on-one meetings, informal briefings with high profile public figures; and music salons; and establishing a strong online and print media presence to create a distinctive circle of influence where industry insiders educate their artist friends and clients who, in turn, educate the general public about Israel.
To mobilize Hollywood music executives and artists to counter the cultural boycott against Israel through educational salons, briefings and media campaigns.