Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention

Field of Interest:
Program Name:
Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention
Grant Type:
General Community
Grant Website
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Founded in 1978, the Center for the Pacific-Asian Family (CPAF) specializes in serving Asian and Pacific Islander (API) survivors of domestic and sexual violence. CPAF addresses API survivors’ need for linguistically accessible and culturally responsive services to help them find safety, access to legal resources and social services. Its programs and services include a 24-hour hotline and intervention services in over 30 API languages and dialects, an emergency & transitional shelter, employment & housing initiatives, and prevention education.


Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention program provides immediate response services to survivors of sexual assault through a 24-hour hotline, individualized crisis counseling and support groups.

Through this generous grant from the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, CPAF will expand its sexual assault crisis intervention services in Los Angeles for Asian and Pacific Islander survivors.

Debra Suh
Executive Director, Center for the Pacific-Asian Family