LA Synagogue Reimagine Initiative

Field of Interest:
Program Name:
LA Synagogue Reimagine Initiative
Grant Type:
Reimagine Grants
Grant Website
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Established in 1956, Beth Jacob Congregation is a Modern Orthodox synagogue located in Beverly Hills. It provides a wide range of religious, social, and spiritual programs in a friendly and inclusive atmosphere. Through this grant, it will lead a consortium of Orthodox synagogues throughout Los Angeles.


To support professional development, leadership development, and staff wellness strategies responding to the impacts of COVID-19 on synagogue clergy, staff, and lay leadership.

In a unique collaboration, the Orthodox Union will support Beth Jacob and 16 other local synagogues by administering the program that will create cohorts of Synagogue leaders to mutually support one another and address the vital needs of their staff as grapple with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic going forward. This would not have been possible without the support of The Foundation.

Rabbi Adir Posy
Associate Rabbi