Silverlake Independent Jewish Community Center

Founded in 1951, Silverlake Independent Jewish Community Center (SIJCC) is a family education center and community gathering space that provides meaningful and creative Jewish experiences for 5,000 constituents each year. Its offerings include an Early Childhood Education Center (ECE), the only non-denominational community preschool rooted in Jewish values on the Eastside; the Jewish Learning Center (JLC) religious school for youth and teens; East Side Jews, a collective of adults that comes together regularly for offerings that relate to Jewish heritage and values; and accessible high holiday programming. SIJCC’s ECE currently serves 120 children, the JLC serves 188 youth, East Side Jews engages 200 adults, and High Holiday programs attract over 500 community members.
grant programs
2024 Security Grants
Arts, Culture, & Media, Early Childhood, Education, Jewish Life & Engagement, Young Adult Engagement
To safeguard Jewish lives, preserve and protect our institutions, and foster safe Jewish environments. _____________________________________________________________________ Grants made in a unique and unprecedented partnership with JFEDLA and the Tepper Foundation.
To implement a new Client Relationship Management (CRM) system that centralizes SIJCC’s data collection processes and provides insight on how participants interact with programs. SIJCC will use this information to implement a membership model that facilitates predictable revenue and effective marketing and programming strategies.
To mitigate the economic hardship resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and to help them achieve long-term organizational sustainability.
To become a state-of-the-art cultural center and to develop a business model that will continue the organization to evolve in Downtown Los Angeles and the surrounding eastside neighborhoods.
Culture Lab engages groups of Jewish artists from disciplines that include writing, visual arts, media arts, dance, and theater who collaborate on the creation and presentation of new work inspired by a Jewish theme.
The Early Childhood Learning Center will convert an underutilized boardroom and office into an Early Childhood Learning Center.